Here are the most recent videos from my main YouTube channel. Many of them are also available as podcast feeds. If you like what I do, please consider making a donation. Thank you, and enjoy!

Render with Jay #08: Lighting up the Windows

Render with Jay #07: Even MORE Detail Lights

Render with Jay #06: Environment Detail Lights

Render with Jay #05: Environment Base Lighting

Render with Jay #04: Lighting your Character

Render with Jay #03: Importing a Character from a Blend file

Render with Jay #02: Lighting and HDRI Setup in Blender

Render with Jay #01: Navigation and Camera Setup in Blender

Adobe asked me why Premiere Pro 2025 sucks (so I've showed them)

Lighting and Rendering Characters in Blender: An Overview

Jay Plays Dave the Diver 🤿

Posing Human Figures in Blender

We met a SERVE ROBOTICS delivery bot today 🤖

Jay Plays the original SIMS

Transfer Head Scans to Genesis 9 with Faceform Wrap