How to use the speech synthesiser in iOS 7

New to iOS 7′s AVFoundation Framework is the speech synthesiser. It’s what Siri is using when he/she speaks to you. We can use this as well in our apps by passing a string into an AVSpeechUtterance object, which in turn we pass into an AVSpeechSynthesizer instance. Here’s how: – (IBAction)sayThis:(id)sender { AVSpeechSynthesizer *synthesizer = [[AVSpeechSynthesizer […]

How to use the speech synthesiser in iOS 7

New to iOS 7′s AVFoundation Framework is the speech synthesiser. It’s what Siri is using when he/she speaks to you. We can use this as well in our apps by passing a string into an AVSpeechUtterance object, which in turn we pass into an AVSpeechSynthesizer instance. Here’s how: – (IBAction)sayThis:(id)sender { AVSpeechSynthesizer *synthesizer = [[AVSpeechSynthesizer […]

How to share items with a UIActivityViewController

Another option to share items in your app is to bring up a dialogue that contains several options, like the Photos app does: This is done with a UIActivityViewController and requires minimal work on our part. This controller is very clever and only brings up relevant services (you can’t print a video, or you can’t […]

How to post to Facebook and Twitter using Social Framework

It is extremely simple to bring up Facebook and Twitter Sheets in your app using the Social Framework. Once imported you can create a new instance of SLComposeViewController, initialise it with text, an image and a URL, and present it modally from your own view controller. You don’t have to specify anything other than which […]