One of the questions that came up at Parallels Summit recently was how to uninstall Customer and Business manager. Plesk doesn’t offer a solution to uninstall things – even though you can add modules, once they’re installed they’re installed.
Luckily I remember a good forum thread that’s a bit long so I’ll give you a concise version here.
Note: this works in Plesk 10.4.4 and 11.0.9 for Linux (CentOS) – I haven’t tried earlier or later versions or other distributions at the time of writing. If you have any feedback, please leave a comment.
Part 1: Remove Single-Sign-On
Log in with your favourite SSH tool and issue the following command as root:
/usr/local/psa/bin/sso --disable
Part 2: Removing the RPM packages
Log in with your favourite SSH tool and issue the following command as root:
rpm -e plesk-billing plesk-billing-plugins sw-sso
Now the files are removed, however the Plesk GUI will still tell you that “the installation was successful” and if you click the link provided it’ll be re-installed. So ignore that link and move on to
Part 3: Database Cleanup
Head over to the phpMyAdmin tool (under Tools and Settings – Database Servers) and open the psa database. In it you’ll find two values which we need to clear out.
Find a table called ‘cl_param’, then delete the value ‘ppb-url’. Restart plesk from the command line via
service psa restart
When you log back in, Customer and Business Manager should be history – including all those extra links on the left hand side.
Alternatively, if you want to stay on the command line, login to MySQL with
mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa
and then issue the following command to get the same result:
delete from cl_param where param='ppb-url';
You should get a message like “Ok, 1 row affected”. Quit the MySQL prompt.
Live Demo
While writing this article I’ve actually done this on one of my systems – follow my steps here if you like:
Further Reading
- Here’s the original forum thread.
- Parallels KB article on this subject: http://kb.parallels.com/en/9327/
hi jay,
thank you so much for the very quick response. I will give it a try, we have sites hosted there and im afraid i might screw it up. ill just backup psa. ill message you back when i have done it. im using plesk 12. (sorry about double post, you can remove my other reply)