How to place an existing Xcode project under Version Control with Git (and ignore files you don’t want to track)

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Usually when you create a new Xcode Project you can choose to setup a new Git repository. This is the best and easiest way to track your changes. However if you have a project that is not under version control you can create a Git repository retrospectively.

This is fairly straightforward using the Terminal app on your Mac (under Applications / Utilities):

  • cd into the directory where your project resides
  • then initialize an empty repository (git init)
  • and add the entire directory to it (git add .)
  • commit your changes (git commit -m “initial commit)

So far so good. However Mac has a hidden directory called .DS_Store in every directory – we may not want to track that. Plus, every time you make a minor UI change in Xcode (such as open a group in the file explorer or something that is not relevant to your actual code) Xcode tracks this change in a file called UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate, and we definitely do NOT want to track that.

To tell Git that we don’t want those two things, we’ll amend our previous instructions a bit:

  • cd into the directory where you project resides
  • create a file called .gitignore
  • add each file or directory on a new line
  • then create, add and commit your files to Git

Let’s assume my project is called MyProject, then the steps are as follows:

cd MyProject
vi .gitignore

(add the following lines to that file)
# ignore these files
(save and exit vi by pressing SHIFT-Z-Z)

git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit, omitting several files"

If you have already committed all your files and forgot to setup the .gitignore file you must manually remove the files/directories you don’t want from being tracked. This is how you’d do that:

git rm --cached .DS_Store
git rm --cached # ignore these files
git commit -m "removing files I no longer want"

Replace myusername with your own system user name obviously, and MyProject with the actual folder in which your project resides.

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4 thoughts on “How to place an existing Xcode project under Version Control with Git (and ignore files you don’t want to track)”

  1. I’ve just forked a superb general .gitignore for all Xcode projects, courtesy of @adamgit.

    – Copy and paste into an empty .gitignore
    – then initialize, add all and commit

    get .gitignore here

    # .gitignore file for Xcode4 / OS X Source projects
    # Version 2.0
    # For latest version, see:
    # 2013 updates:
    # - fixed the broken "save personal Schemes"
    # NB: if you are storing "built" products, this WILL NOT WORK,
    # and you should use a different .gitignore (or none at all)
    # This file is for SOURCE projects, where there are many extra
    # files that we want to exclude
    # OS X temporary files that should never be committed
    # Xcode temporary files that should never be committed
    # NB: NIB/XIB files still exist even on Storyboard projects, so we want this...
    # Xcode build files -
    # NB: slash on the end, so we only remove the FOLDER, not any files that were badly named "DerivedData"
    # NB: slash on the end, so we only remove the FOLDER, not any files that were badly named "build"
    # Xcode private settings (window sizes, bookmarks, breakpoints, custom executables, smart groups)
    # This is complicated:
    # SOMETIMES you need to put this file in version control.
    # Apple designed it poorly - if you use "custom executables", they are
    # saved in this file.
    # 99% of projects do NOT use those, so they do NOT want to version control this file.
    # ..but if you're in the 1%, comment out the line "*.pbxuser"
    # NB: also, whitelist the default ones, some projects need to use these
    # Xcode 4 - semi-personal settings
    # OPTION 1: ---------------------------------
    # throw away ALL personal settings (including custom schemes!
    # - unless they are "shared")
    # NB: this is exclusive with OPTION 2 below
    # OPTION 2: ---------------------------------
    # get rid of ALL personal settings, but KEEP SOME OF THEM
    # - NB: you must manually uncomment the bits you want to keep
    # NB: this is exclusive with OPTION 1 above
    # (requires option 2 above): Personal Schemes
    # XCode 4 workspaces - more detailed
    # Workspaces are important! They are a core feature of Xcode - don't exclude them :)
    # Workspace layout is quite spammy. For reference:
    # /(root)/
    # /(project-name).xcodeproj/
    # project.pbxproj
    # /project.xcworkspace/
    # contents.xcworkspacedata
    # /xcuserdata/
    # /(your name)/xcuserdatad/
    # UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
    # /xcsshareddata/
    # /xcschemes/
    # (shared scheme name).xcscheme
    # /xcuserdata/
    # /(your name)/xcuserdatad/
    # (private scheme).xcscheme
    # xcschememanagement.plist
    # Xcode 4 - Deprecated classes
    # Allegedly, if you manually "deprecate" your classes, they get moved here.
    # We're using source-control, so this is a "feature" that we do not want!
    # Cocoapods:
    # Ignoring these files means that whoever uses the code will first have to run:
    # pod install
    # in the App.xcodeproj directory.
    # This ensures the latest dependencies are used.
    # UNKNOWN: recommended by others, but I can't discover what these files are
    # ...none. Everything is now explained.

  2. Well done! this is a very useful post.
    One question though:
    Isn’t the derived data folder stored separately in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/ ?
    If so, it would not be included in GIT commits anyway, so why adding it to .gitignore?

  3. Hi Arik, I must pass I’m afraid – perhaps this is a question for @adamgit whom I’ve forked the gist from. I was mainly concerned with the interface state since it’s system dependant: if were to I checkout my project on a different system, the interface state doesn’t necessarily look great with another screen resolution. The gist helped prevent confusing Xcode on another system.

    Mind you, that was 2 years ago – perhaps Apple have started fixing things by now (we live in hope) 🙂

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