I’ve noticed that the Add Media button in P2 version 1.4.2 is a bit too low when you write a Blog Post.
The button usually sits neatly above the status box, however it cuts into the top of the box due to the additional text field for the blog post – like so:
It’s not so pretty. As a quick fix we can shift it a few pixels higher, therefore it won’t interfere with the box anymore:
/* The Add Media button is too low when a blog post is selected */ #media-buttons {top: -2px;}
Add it to the bottom of your style.css sheet and you’re golden!

A new version of P2 has been released (1.4.3) which addresses several improvements under the hood. Sadly they haven’t fixed the above graphical problem, but I’ve just checked – my tweak still works with version 1.4.3.
See the new improvements in the P2 User Guide before they disappear from the front page of p2theme.com: