I’ve noticed that the Add Media button in P2 version 1.4.2 is a bit too low when you write a Blog Post.
The button usually sits neatly above the status box, however it cuts into the top of the box due to the additional text field for the blog post – like so:
It’s not so pretty. As a quick fix we can shift it a few pixels higher, therefore it won’t interfere with the box anymore:
/* The Add Media button is too low when a blog post is selected */ #media-buttons {top: -2px;}
Add it to the bottom of your style.css sheet and you’re golden!

I found your P2 User Guide website and am glad that this theme is still active and being developed. I enjoyed reading about what you can do with lists. Very impressive.
I wanted to let you know that I have a P2 site that I have modified heavily. I have re-organized and simplified the stylesheet, corrected some postbox problems, and made a few other tweaks. I’d be honored if you took a look.
I would not mind if you used any of my tips or tricks in either of your blogs. I don’t need credit. I just want to share what I have learned about P2.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that my list of modifications is a page, not a post, called P2 Theme Modifications. Here’s the link:
Thank you Scophi, always good to meet a fellow P2 lover 😉 I’ll add your link it to the P2 User Guide!
I have changed my website and no longer use P2. But I did update my P2 modifications page and wanted to give you the updated link so you could correct the reference links here and on P2 User Guide.
Scophi’s P2 Theme Modifications: http://scophi.com/archives/8
Thanks for the heads up, very kind of you. I’ve updated the P2 User Guide with your new link.