Binding an NSTableView to Core Data without code

I was excited to find out that it is possible to write a Mac App with Core Data completely without code! This magic is possible with something that’s not available in iOS (yet) called Cocoa Bindings. You provide the user controls you need in Xcode, then control-drag your way to extensive functionality and happiness. Before […]

How to assure your values are as intended with NSAssert

NSAssert is a macro which allows you to test for specific values if and when they occur. Rather than having to figure out where your app has passed the wrong value several stages before a problem happened, NSAssert can be used like NSLog – with the helpful difference that if all is well, there’s no […]

What is an Exception Breakpoint

Sometimes Xcode just throws an error message that isn’t very helpful. That’s usually when we have to try and figure out why something didn’t go the way we expected it. Other times however, Xcode tells us very clearly which element it isn’t happy with – we fix it and our app progresses. Why can’t it […]

How to increase the number of simultaneous IMAP connections in Plesk

Plesk-LogoBy default Plesk sets up the IMAP Email Service on your server so that four simultaneous connections can be made from the same IP address in the same timeframe. This is to protect your servers from too many connections.

This however isn’t cutting it if you have a small office full of people on the same IP, connecting from 4 computers, 16 iphones and 12 iPads every 5 minutes.

The solution: tweak the IMAP configuration file, restart the daemon and have a good life. Let me show you how to do it on Plesk 11 and CentOS 6.4.

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How to activate a UISearchDisplayController

We can do this two ways: // version 1: [self.searchBar becomeFirstResponder]; // version 2: [self.searchDisplayController setActive:YES animated:YES]; The benefit of version 2 is that if we perform it “in vision”, we can use the animated option and make it look all swish. Version 2 of course also has a reverse with which we can deactivate […]