How to disable the user list at login on CentOS 7

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By default, CentOS 7 will display a list of all users on the system. Click on it, type in the password, and you’re in. This works well when you have a handful of users on the system.

However, on systems with a lot of users, not everyone can be displayed in that list – and scrolling up or down is impossible (and even if it was, it’s impractical at best). The solution is to replace that list with a box to type in a user, much like what would happen when you choose the “Not Listed” option.

Here’s how to do it:

From the command line, login as root and create a file called /etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/00-login-screen. By default it does not exist.

vi /etc/dconf/db/gdm.d/00-login-screen

Now add the following lines to it and save the file:

# Do not show the user list

This will tell GNOME not to display the list anymore, and instead bring up a text box as shown below. For the change to take effect, we need to update GNOME with the following command:

dconf update

And that’s it!

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5 thoughts on “How to disable the user list at login on CentOS 7”

  1. Even though this article is three years old, it worked in RHEL 7.2 after they broke the “gsettings set org.gnome.login-screen disable user-list true” and dconf-editor setting for the same issue. Thank you!

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