Linux Archives

Over 80% is running on some form of Linux – so does your Mac and you iPhone. Sometimes we have to get our hands dirty on the command line – it makes you feel like a proper hacker.

Here are some pointers I picked up on my journey.

How to install KDE on Fedora

Just in case I forget, here’s how to easily install the KDE Desktop on Fedora 40. First we download the components, then we switch over to it and make it the default. I should have taken notes last time but forgot – glad I’m getting another chance to do it again. Installing KDE Open up … Read more

Fixed: Failed to write data to efivars on HP Z840 Workstation (Fedora)

I’ve had an update message in Fedora for a while on my HP Z840 workstation. It was something about an EFI update with a patch against something about DBX and Black Lotus that sounded rather important, but for the life of me the update would never apply. It could update all other softwares, except for … Read more

How to run Unreal Engine 5.x on Fedora (without compilation)

Since Unreal Engine 5.0, EPIC have been providing pre-compiled binaries that can be run on most common Linux installations, including Ubuntu, Fedora and CentOS. I’ve tried it out on a brand new Fedora 40 system and it worked great, without having spend an additional hour waiting for the compiler to do its thing. So yay! … Read more

Installing Fedora on a HP Z840 with M2 Drive

I’ve run into a problem installing Fedora after Windows 11 for a Dual-Boot environment on my HP Z840 Workstation. Although Fedora recognised other drives on the system, my Windows drive and its remaining space did not show up. This was a Samsung EVO 970 drive I had left about half un-allocated for the Linux installation. … Read more

How to find your CPU details via the Command Line in Windows, macOS and Linux

I work across so many systems that I frequently forget what types of CPUs I’m dealing with. I keep forgetting the commands necessary to retrieve this information, so here’s a quick cheat sheet with commands. Windows We can use the wmic command in a regular Windows Terminal (cmd). It’s slated to be retired in the … Read more