No Man’s Sky has recently won the BAFTA for “Worst Menu Ever Created”. Well deserved, I say! You can read my full review about this “game” if you want to hear more about ow I feel. The game makes my skin crawl, the entire menu is genuinely terrifying. But because Nate invited me to play, I thought I’d give it another go and see if it’s changed for the better. It hasn’t, but it’s funny to experience the sheer amount of bugs and bad design with friends and laugh at it. That’s actually a lot of fun I must admit, at the expesne of Hello Games.
I have to make notes here so I won’t forget the basic game play. It’s that bad!
Switching camera modes from Third to First Person (and back) is bafflingly hidden. It can be done using the fabled Quick Select Menu at the bottom.
Summon the Quick Menu with X, then navigate up with the cursor keys and find the gear icon on the far left (Utilities). Now move to the far right and find the your character and select him with F. This will switch camera modes from First to Third Person view, or vice versa.

Game Controller
It’s a little different on a game controller, but follows the same principle as above: summon the Quick Menu with D-Pad Down, then navigate over to the far left until you see the Gear Icon (Utilities). Select it with X (PS4) or A (Xbox). Now find the Character Icon on the far right and select him to switch views.

Good luck with the rest of the game… 😒
This tip is courtesy of the Steam Forum, where another frustrated used named Ladicius pretty much expressed how I feel about No Man’s Sky:
What a cluster♥♥♥♥ of design. Absolutely baffling. I need a chair in my basement, some duct-tape, and 10 minutes alone with everybody involved in making these decisions. I need answers. I want to understand.
Ladicius on Steam
I hear you, buddy! 😂