I don’t always need the Stream Deck app running on my Mac, and was wondering if there’s an intuitive way to remove it, say from the Login Items section. But of course there isn’t, because consumers doing what they like would mean total anarchy.
Instead, we can use a command line tool to rid us of the app:
launchctl disable ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.elgato.StreamDeck.plist
The app will still be running, but won’t come back after a restart. If we ever change our minds about this, it’s easy to bring back with this command:
launchctl enable ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.elgato.StreamDeck.plist
Again the app won’t launch until a restart, although you can just start it manually from the Applications folder if you need it.
Related: mysterious “Corsair Login Item”
Note there is indeed an entry under System Settings – General – Login Items called Corsair Memory Inc. It is unclear what exactly that does, but I bet it’s related to Stream Deck (Corsair being the parent company). It’s a permission about some background activity. It might even explain that I get several dozen Google Sign-in tabs open as some Stream Deck service wants to connect to my YouTube account.
Needless to say, disable it for good measure.