WordPress Archives

Tips and Tricks on WordPress usage and development. I am very passionate about WordPress, but it doesn’t work just by itself – it needs a rich environment to live and breathe in.

If you’re after theme and plugin alterations, we have a category for that.

CSS Dropdown Menu hides behind Videos

Yes, that’s an annoying one – and it has less to do with your Theme’s CSS and more to do with teh Flash Player. Easy remidy is at hand, even though it means that you need to add code to each video. Here’s how you do it: Your videos will be embedded with both <OBJECT> … Read more

How to avoid Server Crashes with WordPress

WordPress has many pros for content creators like ourselves, but every once in a while there’s a big con that can get in the way of WordPress Fun. One of them is really annoying: when your website becomes regularly unavailable due to a server crash! Even though a reboot brings things back to normal for … Read more

How to link YouTube and your self-hosted WordPress

YouTube allows you to easily share videos on many popular blogging platforms, such as Blogger and WordPress. With the latter, you can either link your WordPress.com account, or your self hosted blog. I tried this several times, only to find an unexplained error message on YouTube. Finally, thanks to The Social Media Guide, I know … Read more

WordPress Themes

Here are some sites to check out for FREE WordPress Themes: http://www.themescore.com/ http://www.amazingwordpressthemes.com http://www.wordpress.org/extend/themes I’ll amend this list if and when I discover more – drop me a line of a resource you can think of.