WordPress Archives

Tips and Tricks on WordPress usage and development. I am very passionate about WordPress, but it doesn’t work just by itself – it needs a rich environment to live and breathe in.

If you’re after theme and plugin alterations, we have a category for that.

WordPress 110: URLs and Permalinks

In this episode I’ll explain how you can change the URLs for your posts and pages, as they appear in your web browser. By default, WordPress uses numeric links (such as domain.com?p=123) but those are not so easy on the eye. We can change this to something like domain.com/awesome-post instead, and I’ll explain how to … Read more

WordPress 106: Working with Images

In this episode I’ll show you how with images in WordPress. I’ll explain how to upload them, how to embed them into your posts and pages, and what happens behind the scenes when you do that. We’ll also discuss Featured Images, the relationship between the “image” and “embed code”, and we’ll talk about the actual … Read more