How to convert an NSArray into an NSMutableArray

There’s a handy function called arrayWithArray that we can use: NSMutableArray *myNewArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; myNewArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:myOldArray]; Likewise we can convert a mutable array into a standard one: NSArray *myStandardArray = [[NSArray alloc]init]; myStandardArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:myMutableArray];

How to change the text on a Button

You can set the title of a button depending on its control state. An unselected untoched button has a UIControlStateNormal, but Xcode will show you all the other options you have at your fingertips. To access this property you need to create an IBOutlet on the button. If you also want the button to trigger […]

How to convert an integer into a string (text object)

I keep forgetting how to do this so here it is: if you have an integer and you want to print it out, say in a UILabel you can use the initWithFormat method of NSString like so: NSString *myNumber; myNumber = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@”%d”, myInteger]; self.myLabel.text = myNumber; The secret here is the @”%d” which […]

How to share data between Navigation Controllers

The Root Navigation Controller can serve as a data model. Each View Controller connected to the Navigation Controller via push segue can access its properties like so: ((MyNavController *)self.parentViewController).mySourceProperty Here’s an example. MyNavController is the class for the Navigation Controller. This snipped is called from any View Controller in sequence and assumes we have an […]

How to trigger a Modal Segue

Once you’ve connected two View Controllers via a Segue in the storyboard you need to give it an identifier so we can call it in code like so: [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@”showDetail” sender:self]; Dismiss it via an action like this: [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

How to play an Audio Alert

Just like playing a standard sound file, you can also choose to play an alert. The difference is that this will make the iPhone vibrate if it’s set to silent. The code is nearly identical to the standard sound file with the exception of the very last line of code: SystemSoundID soundID; NSString *soundFile = […]