How to create random YouTube URLs in Commodore BASIC v2

In this episode I’ll demonstrate how to create those seemingly random YouTube Video IDs using a Commodore 64. Here’s the code I’m writing – works in BASIC v2 and above: 10 print chr$(14) 20 gosub 100:x=rnd(-ti):cn=1 30 a$=”” 40 for i=1 to 11 50 rn=int(rnd(0)*62)+1 60 a$=a$+yt$(rn) 70 next 80 print:print cn;” : “;a$ 85 … Read more

My honest Logitech C920 Review (2018)

In this video I’m taking a closer look at the Logitech C920 webcam. I’m testing it on my Mac running Sierra, as well as under Windows 10 Pro. I wanted a 1080p capable webcam for use with Camtasia, mainly for my Windows system which currently doesn’t have a webcam. Let’s find out if it does … Read more

What is my YouTube Channel URL

In this episode I’ll show you four ways of finding your YouTube Channel’s URL. I’ll also explain why there are three types of YouTube Channel URLs, and what the query parameters are that you can append.

Just in case watching videos isn’t your thing, or you’re in a hurry, I thought I’d include some written instructions as well 🙂

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How to shutdown Windows 10 without applying updates

Although most of Windows 10 keeps getting better with every iteration, some things just never change. Windows Updates are one of those. They always want to download and install when we really don’t have the time or the battery power.

What’s worst, Microsoft have removed the graphical option to simply shutdown the system – and all we’re left with are two choices: “Update and shutdown”, or “Update and restart”.

What if all we want to do is to shutdown or restart WITHOUT applying those updates? Perhaps we’re out and about, running on an already near-depleted battery? Or we’re in a hurry and would like to leave the update for when we have more time, or a power outlet?

Fear not, there is a way to do these things – even if they don’t come up in the Start menu anymore.

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String Operations on Commodore Computers

Commodore BASIC has some interesting and simple string functions built in. Three of them are self explanatory: LEN, LEFT$ and RIGHT$. But others, like the mysterious MID$ and INSTR functions, are a little tricker, and I can never remember how they works. So here’s a quick recap on how they all work. LEN (A$) Returns … Read more

How to play sounds and music on the Commodore Plus/4

The Plus/4 has a total of two voices thanks to its integrated TED chip, which is also responsible for rendering text and graphics on screen. The first voice can play square waves, while the second one can generate either square wave sounds or white noise.

Let’s see how we can make him play a tune.

We can use some BASIC keywords to make the Plus/4 be all musical. First we need to turn up the volume by using the VOL command. We can set this to anything between 0 and 8.


Next we can use the SOUND command to make each channel play a note, like so:

SOUND 1,400,60

This will play a one-second long note on channel 1.

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How to turn off PayPal Notifications in the Facebook Messenger App on iOS

In this video I’ll show you how to switch off those super annoying PayPal notifications in the Facebook Messenger App in iOS on my iPhone 6s Plus. I’ve recorded this video on iOS 11 in March 2018. Download (Duration: 2:46 — 2.5MB)