Although we can use a Microsoft ID to login to Mixer.com, when we do so for the first time, the system assigns a random (rather funny) user name to us. It’s usually not what you want to be called in the chat.
Thankfully there’s an easy way to change this, and here’s how.
Click on that little icon at the top. It’s usually a little blue man icon (I’ve already changed mine). This opens up a menu, at the bottom of which you find an Account option. Click that.

Now you’ll be presented with a number of boxes, one of which will be the Change Username box. It’s not that obvious, but after entering your new name, you have to click on the white change username instruction – which turns out to be a button. It’s vital that you click it.

To make your changes take immediately, you’ll have to logout of Mixer, then log back in. As soon as you do, your new user name will appear in the chat.