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How to add a Facebook Group Feed

I’ve come acoss this the other day, comes in handy as Facebook Groups don’t have a generic RSS feed. Here’s how you can display what’s new in your favourite groups within your WordPress Site: Make sure you have your Facebook Group ID handy (it’s the last 11 or so numeric digits after the ‘groupid’ tag … Read more

Hosting Providers

If you’re looking for hosting or domain registration, you’re spoilt for choice these days. Here are some to choose from, they all have different prices, so check and compare carefully. Easyspace 1 and 1 InMotion Hosting Reviews GoDaddy dotFM – great for multimedia domains like .fm A nifty tool to find a free .com, … Read more

How to change the PHP Upload Limit

Usually your hosting package limits the amout of data you can upload to 2MB, which isn’t enough for most of us. It’s good for that 200k photo, but say you’re uploading a 4MB audio clip, a video or a large PDF, you’re stuck. Fret not my friends, for help is at hand! Put the following … Read more