Command Line Archives

How to delete all files and subfolders from the Command Line in Windows

I was looking for the Windows equivalent of the Linux command “y| rm -rf” and despite my best efforts couldn’t work it out. We need to use “del”, with a couple of switches to do this recursively and for directories, and also automatically confirm this for every entry. Here it is: This will delete everything … Read more

How to split a ZIP file into multiple parts on macOS and Linux

ZIP files can get quite large, depending on the amount of data we’re ZIPping up there. Having one huge file may not always be desirable, for example when making hard copies onto disk or tape media, or when upload limitations force the use of smaller files. Thankfully, the clever little ZIP utility has a handy … Read more

How to remove files from ZIP Archives in macOS and Linux

When ZIP up directories, particularly on macOS, some files may find their way into our ZIP archives that were never meant to be there. I’m thinking of those pesky .DS_Store and __MACOSX files, maybe even .htaccess files. For *nix based systems, * really means “everything”. The ZIP command line tool let us remove such unwanted … Read more