Snapshot Backup 2.0.1 Update: Let’s try this again, folks…

I’ve just released Snapshot Backup 2.0.1 – the exact same version as 2.0, however this time it includes all the files it actually needs…

Let me explain what happened earlier:

So there I was, having tested the latest version of Snapshot Backup 2.0 for several weeks, all is well at my end, and I decided to release it to the public. After over 11.000 downloads it gets the long awaited automation feature, revamped menu structure and gets its own branding. How exciting! You should all finally have it, it’s been a long wait.

I uploaded the changes using Subversion, and thanks to Tortoise SVN I can do this with a right click from my Windows 7 machine. It’s all so much easier than hacking away on my development server via SSH. Ever so pleased I decided to treat myself with a Mac Book at the Apple Store in Covent Garden – let the iOS Development begin!

Shortly after I had arrived in town all your kind comments kept flooding in: some files were missing in 2.0 which Tortoise SVN didn’t import properly, and hence 2.0 was only 80% of what it should have been (read: 100% unusable).

Thank you to everyone who broght this to my attention, I’m really sorry I couldn’t rectify this before tonight when I got back home.

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Disk Space Pie Chart – Version 0.4

I’ve committed a new version of Disk Space Pie Chart today. This maintenance release fixes a display bug in the Dashbaord Widget in WordPress 3.2. Thanks to Dan from IFSA Butler for bringing this to my attention. While I was at it I’ve also fixed some of the internal workings of this plugin: Fixed dashboard … Read more

Snapshot Backup 2.0 RC1 – Ready for Testing

I’ve been slaving away at the keyboard again. It’s been too long, and you’ve all been patiently waiting for your favourtive backup plugin to do something while you sleep. Say hello to Snapshot Backup 2.0 which can now create backups while you sleep. Here’s a list of new features: Automation: create backups every hour, every … Read more

How to make Get The Image only use embedded images

If you’re a Theme Developer you probably heard of Justin Tadlocks incredible plugin already – for those of you who don’t, let me introduce Get The Image to you.

It’s THE way to extract images from your posts and insert them any way you like in your custom made theme. It does this by checking (in this order)

  • if you have a featured image inserted, or any other custom field defined
  • if not, it’ll see if one is attached to the post
  • if not then it will scan your content for an image embed
  • and if that fails you can display a default image you select

Get The Image will also provide a link to the post when you display the image, or alternatively give you the URL if you want to use it some other way.

I needed an application that displayed only an image that’s embedded in the post.

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How to find a user’s Twitter RSS Feed

Twitter recently made some changes to their API. One of them has an impact if you’re trying to access someone’s Twitter RSS Feed.

This used to work extremely well: on every user’s Twitter page there was an RSS Icon in your browser bar. We sued click on it and saw the feed. Well not anymore 🙁

But help is at hand – thanks to The Sociable who have kindly explained how to access it post May 2011.

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How to use PHPList: Creating Lists and adding subscribers

You can either manually add people to your individual lists (via Users – Add a User – select which list at the bottom) or use a signup option where users add themselves. For the latter option there are either the direct link in PHPlist to the subscriber page or for much slicker integration use one … Read more

How to style the Motion Theme for WordPress

I had a closer look at this theme the other day when I made some upgrades on Nadia’s website.

I really like the look and feel of Motion but I felt certain things were missing from this wonderful theme, such as drop down submenus.

Let’s take a look at some tweaks and how you can make Motion your own.

This article was written for Version 1.1.6 – these tweaks may not work in later revisions of the theme.

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How to use PHPList: Workflow and sending your first message

In this workshop I will talk you through using the PHPlist Campaign Manager.

PHPlist is another Open Source venture which has grown tremendously over the years. Even though not anywhere near as elegant as WordPress it gets the job done and it’s free to use – so we can live with its intricacies.

Using the system isn’t as easy and straightforward as it could be so I thought it’s time for a screencast.

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