Pairing an Apple Keyboard with Windows 10

In this episode I’ll show you how to successfully pair an Apple Wireless Magic Keyboard (first generation, MC184B/A) with Windows 10 (Version 1809). I’ve found so much conflicting information on the web, so I’m showing you what worked for me – in May 2019. I’m using a HP Z800 Workstation here, with a no-frills Belkin … Read more

How bring back the missing File Editor in WordPress

Every once in a while, users notice that the File Editor in WordPress may disappear. This has been happening for many years, and although I’ve read about this issue, it’s never happened to me – until very recently. I’m talking about the options under Appearance – Theme Editor and Plugins – Plugin Editor. When these … Read more

Installing Windows 10 on a MacBook Pro (2011) without Bootcamp

I love my old MacBook Pro. It does everything I want for a portable coding, writing and occasional editing device. I’ve had it since 2011 and it’s still going strong.

Apple however doesn’t want to suport it anymore. I’m stuck with macOS High Sierra, without an option to upgrade without shadowy patches. Even if I could keep up with Mojave and beyond, the hardware might just not be fast enough anymore to give me an enjoyable experience.

So I thought, perhaps I’ll put in a new hard drive that I had in another old laptop and install Windows 10 on it. Apple’s recommended way is to do all this from macOS, using their own Bootcamp setup. However, being the hacker that I am, I thought perhaps I’ll try the “Windows Only” experience.

I did this in two live streams the other night, and continued the process over the following days – and now I’ve got a (more or less working) Windows 10 installation on my MacBook Pro (early 2011 Edition). I thought I’d take some notes on how I did this step by step, and give you my opinions if this was an adventure worth undertaking.

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How to add File Upload Capabilities to the Contributor Role in WordPress

I never noticed this before, but it appears that the Contributor Role in WordPress does not come with ability to upload files to an instance. That’s slightly weird, given that most users will probably assign this role to users who shall be able to write content for a site, and with good content inevitably come images in this day and age.

According to WordPress, the roles included with WordPress are mere examples or “capability collections” so to speak, and we’re free to create our own, or add/remove capabilities from any role if we so desire. I did some digging and found out how that the add_cap() and remove_cap() functions do just that.

In this article I’ll show you how to add the upload_files() capability to the Contributor Role, without the need for yet another plugin.

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How to install Blender on CentOS 7

I’ve been trying to build Blender from source on CentOS for many years, but never had any luck making it work. There was always one package missing, or something else that needed to be configured. Depressed and resentful, I gave up and never got a chance to try Blender on CentOS.

Recently, the Blender Devs have started releasing a pre-compiled version of Blender for CentOS for download. This should work on RHEL and Fedora just as well. Huzzah!

With a fresh installation of CentOS looking at me from my old Samsung Q330 laptop, I thought I’d try it out. It works great! Here’s what I had to do to make it work, step by step.

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How to revert a yum update on CentOS

Every so often, a yum update brings unexpected results with it, like services no longer working due to spurious error messages that don’t tell you what’s actually wrong. This only very rarely happens though, and we may need to revert to the state of our system before such an update took place. Thankfully, yum has … Read more