How To Archives

The main subject of this site: how to get something done, further divided by tags.

How to disable Discord Audio Notifications

Have you disabled every possible notification setting and the Discord Desktop App still beeps every 3 seconds? Yeah, it does that. There’s a setting for that, but they keep it secret just to annoy us all, buried in the other 90 trillion options they thought would be a hoot to feature creep into the Settings. … Read more

Running Stable Diffusion on Windows with Web Server

I’ve successfully installed Stable Diffusion on my local Windows rig! It’s been a little painful, and the process is likely to change over time, but here’s what worked for me. I’ll also share the start/stop commands below (because I’m likely going to forget by tomorrow). Installation Steps install Git install Conda (it’s a package manager … Read more

Discord Announcement Channels and how to make them work

A bunch of us wanted to make these fabled Discord Announcement channels work. It’s a feature available on Community Servers that lets you follow a channel from another server, so that that server’s announcements appear in your own server (and vice versa). In essence a way of subscribing to another server’s notifications. You may have … Read more

How to setup a Facebook Live Event in advance

Facebook have one of the worst UIs ever. The interface changes every week, and I can never remember how to setup a live event there because it’s to unintuitive. Here’s how a quick step-by-step process to make my life: head over to click Go Live at the top (next to the search bar) pick … Read more