Windows Archives

How to place an existing folder under Version Control in Github for Desktop

I love version control, and I really like Github for Desktop. One thing I wish it had was the ability to place an existing folder under version control, but alas it’s not to be. We can create new repositories in empty folders, we can check out projects that are stored elsewhere, but GitHub for Desktop … Read more

How to fix the MS-Gaming Overlay popup message in Windows 10

We’ve recently installed DS4 Windows on Julia’s PC so that she could play Fortnite with her PS4 controller. The moment we did this Windows started complaining that ms-gaming overlay link needs to have some app installed, with a link to the Windows Store that never completed installing an app we didn’t want in the first … Read more

How to disable Windows Updates FOREVER

Julia has recently found out how to disable Windows updates and I thought I’d make a video about it, and provide some written instructions too in case I forget. Windows updates have ruined my streaming PC one too many times, and I cannot rely on them to work whenever I need the system. While I … Read more